Based on an incredible true story, SKIN follows Sandra Laing (Sophie Okonedo), a distinctly mixed-race South African woman born to white parents (Sam Neill and Alice Krige) during the apartheid era. Despite her upbringing as a white girl, Sandra is eventually classified as ‘Coloured’ by the government and stripped of the rights with which the rest of her family is privileged. And when she begins a love affair with a local vegetable dealer, Sandra finds herself cut off from her past and living the hard life of a truly black woman in a society that seeks to ostracize her.
Harrowing, moving, and ultimately inspiring, SKIN is a story of family, forgiveness, and the triumph of the human spirit
“4/4” – Roger Ebert
“A tragic, enraging, and uplifting tale.” – Entertainment Weekly
“Moving and smartly made.” – Seattle Times
“Potent and inspiring.” – Detroit News