Following the long-running success of her Here’s Lucy series, the inimitable Lucille Ball returned to television with a series of special programs, pairing her with other legendary performers.
Happy Anniversary & Goodbye
As her 25th anniversary approaches, Norma Michaels realizes that her marriage to her dentist husband Malcolm has become boring. Seeking independence, Norma turns to her friend Fay while Malcolm receives advice from his swinging associate Greg.
What Now, Catherine Curtis?
Following twenty years of marriage to a philandering husband, divorcee Catherine Curtis begins life anew as a single woman. After struggling to be alone, Catherine finds romance with a sympathetic handyman and then meets a much younger love interest.
Happy Anniversary & Goodbye
As her 25th anniversary approaches, Norma Michaels realizes that her marriage to her dentist husband Malcolm has become boring. Seeking independence, Norma turns to her friend Fay while Malcolm receives advice from his swinging associate Greg.
What Now, Catherine Curtis?
Following twenty years of marriage to a philandering husband, divorcee Catherine Curtis begins life anew as a single woman. After struggling to be alone, Catherine finds romance with a sympathetic handyman and then meets a much younger love interest.